BIKO Membership is an exclusive loyalty program app that offers a more seamless experience at BIKO. It allows you to book tables, earn points and redeem exciting benefits and perks across all BIKO outlets, made available to loyal members such as yourself.
By registering to BIKO Membership, you will earn 1 point for every IDR 10.000 spent (before tax and services) in every visit, with extra points depending on your tier. Your points can be redeemed for exciting rewards.
You can download BIKO Membership on Google Play Store and Apple Store and register yourself by using an active mobile number.
Member benefits include birthday treats, exclusive privileges and points earning with every purchase across all BIKO outlets redeemable for free item. Exclusive privileges like private access to events, VIP parking and reservation priority depend on the membership tier. All member benefits can be viewed on the Benefits page through the PROFILE > BENEFITS section.
BIKO Membership has 3 tiers: Patron, Friend and Family.
When you’ve successfully registered, you’ll be a part of the Patron tier. In order to become a Friend tier, you must spend at least IDR 5.000.000 in a qualifying period. In order to obtain a Family tier, you must spend at least IDR 20.000.000 in a qualifying period.
There will be a tier review on the 31 December. All Patron, Friend, Family, and Inner Circle members that did not maintain the minimum spending requirement for their tier will be downgraded to one level. Your total spending tracker will reset on 1 January.
We will issue a Birthday Voucher that you can use at our outlets to get treats and special discounts on your purchase. In order to get the vouchers, you are required to claim them on the BIKO Membership app. Please open your app, log in using your account, check the birthday banner section on the HOME page and tap the banner to claim your Birthday Vouchers. You can start claiming and using your Birthday Vouchers from Day 1 until Day +7 from your birth date.
Mention your Birthday Vouchers to our staff before closing the bill during your visit. Every voucher can be used at any BIKO outlet for one time only and cannot be combined with other promotions. If you register on your birthday, you can claim the voucher immediately by closing the app and re-opening it again. Each BIKO outlet might have their own Terms & Conditions. Please kindly confirm to the staff in charge.
You will automatically get bonus points for every transaction you make across all BIKO outlets. Each tier will have a different multiplier point. The higher your tier, the higher bonus points you will get. See the details on the BENEFITS page on your app.
Mention your registered phone number to our staff during your transaction. Before closing the table, your membership account information will be printed on the bottom of your receipt. Make sure the information within the printed receipt is correct.
Point is the currency we use on BIKO Membership, which can be obtained with every transaction you make across all BIKO outlets. You can use your points to redeem exciting rewards.
Points are valid from the member’s initial transaction day until the end of the month of a member's initial transaction in the following year. For example: points obtained from transactions made on 1 January 2024 are valid until 31 January 2025. Points will automatically be invalid if they are not used within the period.
Points earned will be based on the Grand Total minus discounted price, tax & services of your transactions and will always be rounded down. Please allow up to 24 hours for points to show on your HISTORY or POINT HISTORY page.
You can check your total points and your transactions across all BIKO outlets in the HISTORY section or PROFILE > POINT HISTORY section on the BIKO Membership app.
Go to the REWARDS section to see the various options available for redemption. In one simple tap, choose the voucher and redeem it with your points. Please remember that redemptions can only be made after you verify your email address.
Once you redeem your points, the redemption item cannot be converted back to points nor be exchanged for another product or service or a monetary refund.
Our system can only process 1 promotion for each item. If you have 2 promotions for the same item, you can only use one of them.
You still can use your voucher even if your total transaction is lower than the voucher amount. However, the excess credit will be used up and cannot be exchangeable to cash.
Unfortunately, the transactions you’ve made are required to be registered under your membership in order to earn Points. Our staff have the right to ask you to show your account page for authentication. BIKO reserves the right to clarify member’s ID at any time and in its sole discretion without prior notice.
Please allow 24-48 hours for us to process your transaction. You should be able to see your recent transactions under the HISTORY section in the app. Please contact us at from Monday - Friday between 10 AM - 7 PM if you have not seen your transaction record after 48 hours.
Please contact us at from Monday - Friday between 10 AM - 7 PM if you have not received points within 7 days after your transaction.
The staff will ask for your registered phone number and Member ID that will be forwarded to our customer service representative to inject the points manually to your account. Please allow up to 7 days for the points to show. Please contact us at from Monday - Friday between 10 AM - 7 PM if you have not received points after 7 days.
Yes. Revisit the outlet within 7 days from your last transaction date and mention your registered phone number to our staff for verification. BIKO reserves the right to clarify a member’s ID at any time and in its sole discretion without prior notice.
Please contact us at from Monday - Friday between 10 AM - 7 PM.
Mission is a feature in the BIKO Membership app where you can obtain rewards after finishing a certain task.
Log into your BIKO Membership app, go to PROFILE > MISSION to check available tasks, pick one, and complete the Mission to get rewards.
Choose among many, like paying a few visits or completing minimum purchases from transactions across all BIKO outlets. The tasks found in the Mission might differ from time to time according to BIKO Marketing measure.
Free item vouchers or bonus points.
Whenever a new Mission is launched. Check back regularly on the app to see if there is any new Mission for you.
Depending on the Mission. Some may only be available on specific days or hours.
Depending on the Mission. Check back regularly on the app to see if your favorite outlet has a Mission for you.